Tuesday, April 14, 2009

"You Might Need a Professional Organizer if..."

"You might need a Professional Organizer if..."
by Kay Watersworthy

  1. You have more trash in your purse than you have in your kitchen garbage can.
  2. The food in your pantry is older than your children.
  3. You've had "to be more organized" as your New Year's resolution since 1980!
  4. The piles of papers and bills in your office gave up and moved into the guest room.
  5. Last Christmas, you received 5 copies of "Organizing For Dummies".
  6. The clothes in certain parts of your closet have an inch of dust on them.

Sometimes it IS a laughing matter but sometimes it just plain stinks. Let's face it: being disorganized adds stress to our lives no matter the severity. Something relatively simple like that pile of mail stacked up on your kitchen counter just makes us feel "behind". One more thing to add to our "To Do" list. One more thing that just won't get done today and that will make us feel overwhelmed and inadequate.

Visualize your home, or even a small part of your home, like your office, completely organized, neat, and uncluttered. What do you see? Everything in its place and a place for everything. Files neatly tucked away in cabinets, miscellaneous supplies put in that perfect place where they belong, and YOU: Cool, calm, peaceful, and PRODUCTIVE. Nothing piled up for later. No tasks left undone to tackle tomorrow. How does this feel?

Overwhelmed? Tired of the clutter? "To Do" list neverending? You might need a Professional Organizer!

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