Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Consult Me Before You Buy...

As an organizer, one of the common mistakes I see among my clients is excess: buying too much because they don't know what they already have. You know who you are. You go to one of those wholesale clubs for your weekly shopping and come home with another 50-pack of bathroom tissue. Or that extra-large "family size" package of toothbrushes. Or soap. Or ketchup. Or trash bags. You spend the money on all these items only to get home and find (or maybe not if you are not sure where you put the last stash) you have enough bathroom tissue to last you six months!

By taking a "mini-inventory" of your staples each week, you can avoid overbuying and eliminate the excess that keeps your home cluttered. There are two ways this can be accomplished: the "one hour rule" and "in/out rule".

One way to approach organizing is what I like to refer to as the “One Hour a Day” Rule. Take one hour each day and spend that time tackling one small area of your home. This is a perfect way to attack junk drawers, kitchen cabinets, hall closets, and bathrooms. Fill an empty box or storage bin with gently used clothing or toys and drop it off at the nearest donation location. Remember: If you haven’t worn it in two years, get rid of it! Shred old paperwork that is no longer necessary and is taking up much-needed space in your office filing cabinet (see sidebar). Open up your medicine cabinet and dispose of expired or unused medications.

A second way to approach clutter is the “In/Out” Rule. As new items come into the home, other items must go out. This will eliminate duplication and free up space in closets and pantry areas. Deal with junk mail (check out and bills as soon as they come inside from the mailbox. Recycle catalogs and magazines after a quick glance. Did you just purchase a new coat? A new blender? A new book? Get rid of the old one! (sell books on Think about storage for items that you would like to keep but do not necessarily need each day. There are great storage bins and storage bags available at low costs.

January is the perfect time to start fresh! There is no better time of year to check off items on that “to do” list and clear a path for a new you in the New Year!

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